Although I started out as a journalist, like many in that profession, I eventually gravitated toward the public relations field. I began freelance writing for public relations and marketing firms in 2003, interspersing that with journalism assignments, and eventually took a position as an account executive with a public relations agency, which I left to start Sarah Gets It Write in 2010. What I love about promotional writing, whether I’m doing it for a PR firm, marketing or advertising agency, is that it is highly dynamic—every project presents a new opportunity to craft messaging that will engage target-audience interest in a new way. I never feel like I’m working with a formula. I’ve written press releases, case studies, blog entries, newsletters, personal and corporate biographies and (ghost-written) thought-leadership articles, among other types of collateral, on a variety of subjects, including pets, fashion, technology, telecommunications and marketing. Below please find some samples of my work. Feel free to contact me if you’d like more examples.
Click on thumbnails below, to view PDF writing samples:
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